New York
Chrysler Building from Times Square, New York, 1987, printed 1987
Cityscape #13, Twilight on Reade Street, 1985, printed 1985$ 6,500.00
Cityscape #14, Madison Avenue, Near 57th Street, 1985, printed 1985$ 6,500.00
Cityscape #3 Times square NYC, 1985, printed 1985$ 6,500.00
Cityscape #7 NYC, 1985, printed 1985$ 6,500.00
Downtown, Near Canal Street, 1985, printed 1985$ 12,000.00
Looking South from Columbus Circle, 1985, printed 1985$ 6,500.00
Near Canal Street, NYC #21, 1985, printed 1985$ 5,500.00
Near Hudson Street, 1985, printed 1985$ 5,500.00
Twin Towers, Lower Manhattan, 1979, printed 1990$ 12,000.00
Women from Texas, Fifth Avenue, New York, 1975, printed 1975$ 15,000.00
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, New York, 1974$ 7,500.00
Girl Playing in Circles, Penn Station, 1954, printed 1980's$ 7,500.00
Elbowing Out of Town, News Stand, New York, 1954$ 7,500.00
Man of the 20th Century, 1953$ 7,500.00
Coming to America, 1951$ 6,500.00
Under the El, Lower Second Avenue, 1954$ 7,500.00
The Big Clock, Penn Station, 1958$ 7,500.00
Around Central Park Fountain, 1997$ 6,500.00
After Labor Day, Orchard Beach, Bronx, New York, 1969$ 7,500.00
Boy on Train, Penn Station, New York, 1958$ 6,500.00
Cityscape #5, Midtown, New York City, 1985, printed 1985$ 7,500.00
Fifties Graffiti, 1954$ 7,000.00
Naval Memorial, Battery Park, Lower Manhattan, 1978$ 6,500.00
Soldier on Leave, Times Square, New York, 1942, printed 1990's$ 6,500.00
The Soul of New York, 23rd Street at Park Avenue, 1951$ 7,500.00
Woman with White Glove, Penn Station, New York, 1958$ 8,500.00